Chris is an experienced and trusted employment practitioner. He has regularly appeared in multi-day Employment Tribunal cases and he has experience in unfair dismissal, discrimination, whistle-blowing, maternity / paternity rights, monetary claims and enforcement of covenants. He appeared in a a ten day unfair dismissal and discrimination claim involving an NHS Trust, their 6 witnesses (up to and including the Chief Operating Officer of the Trust) and serious allegations including fraud. He has also successfully appeared in the Employment Appeal Tribunal. Prior to joining Chambers, Chris assisted an employment barrister and gained experience in discrimination, equal pay and TUPE cases.
In his own right and more recently, he has:
– Appeared on behalf of the employee in a claim seeking repayment of training costs made by a planning and construction employer (November 2023);
– Successfully negotiated a settlement on behalf of a care worker in a case involving unfair dismissal and discrimination claims which also had regulatory and criminal elements providing practical and sensible advice to allow the client to progress her objectives (November 2023);
– Represented a care worker in claims of unfair dismissal, discrimination arising from disability and indirect discrimination flowing from the passing of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (June and December 2023); and
– Successfully represented a care worker over the course of two weeks in her claims for victimisation obtaining a judgment of over £10,000 (March and September 2022).
Chris has appeared in a number of cases involving care workers and nurses (typically acting for the employee) as well as cases emanating from the transport / haulage and education sectors (typically acting for the employer).