
Dr Natalia Perova

Head of International

Natalia is a Russian-speaking English barrister, international arbitrator, and Head of International Dispute Resolution Group at Lamb Chambers. Natalia deals with international and cross-border commercial disputes in international arbitration and English courts, often involving complex issues of law and fact, in disputes involving commercial transactions, financial regulations, international trade, investments, and other industry sectors. She has a particular interest in pharmaceuticals and life science industries.

Natalia is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb). She sits as an arbitrator and acts as counsel in international arbitrations both administered by arbitral institutions and ad hoc arbitrations. Natalia is happy to act as an emergency arbitrator or under expedited procedure provisions. She is also keen to develop her mediator’s practice and act as a neutral in commercial matters, especially with an international element.

Natalia has experience of both civil and common law jurisdictions and is often instructed as counsel and appointed as an arbitrator in mixed civil law and common law matters. She holds a PhD in Public International Law and was previously a university lecturer in law for 5 years. In addition, Natalia has rights of audience and can appear before the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) Court.

Natalia is co-author of a book entitled “Practical Guide to Effective Dispute Resolution: Methods and Clauses” (to be published by Thomson Reuters/Sweet & Maxwell in July 2024), where she explored how to resolve disputes in the most effective way, including through out-of-court/alternative dispute resolution methods. Natalia regularly speaks at events and conferences and provides training to international lawyers, both in private practice and in-house.

Her extensive academic experience, multi-language skills, and cultural awareness, positions her well to deal with complex cross-border matters involving international parties or where foreign law experts are involved. She combines her deep theoretical knowledge and academic experience with a practical business mindset and is able to grasp complex areas where experts are called to give evidence.

Areas of expertise

In recent years, Natalia has developed a strong interest in science and technology and is keen to build her practice and arbitral tribunal appointments in this area, especially where the analysis of expert evidence is required. She is particularly interested in the legal and business issues arising in the life science industries, such as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, where she can add value through her deep legal insight and ability to understand business and science.

Natalia completed WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation) courses on Intellectual Property and Essentials of Patents, as well as on Arbitration and Mediation Procedure under WIPO Rules and is included in the WIPO’s list of neutrals. She is also starting a Pharma and Biotech course at UCL to better understand business aspects of the pharmaceutical industry when dealing with dispute resolution in this area.

Natalia is happy to be instructed as counsel or appointed as an arbitrator in commercial aspects of pharmaceutical and life sciences, including in relation to research and development, licensing, supply and manufacturing agreements and any other commercial type of relationships, whether or not involving IP issues, as well as disputes related to a broader area of healthcare.

Natalia’s other interests include all aspects of international commercial arbitration, litigation or mediation related to international trade, investments, banking, financial instruments, crypto currency, international civil fraud, corporate disputes, questions of jurisdiction and conflict of laws, EU and public and private international law.

As an English law barrister, Natalia can be instructed to deal with all issues including interpretation of dispute resolution or arbitration clause/agreements, questions of jurisdiction and applicable law, serving out of jurisdiction, arbitration-related matters and applications in English court, such as challenges to arbitration awards, interim measures, anti-suit injunctions, etc.

Examples of recent matters

  • Appointed as an arbitrator in a three-member tribunal in a commercial matter related to investment and cross-financing through a complex financial agreements.
  • Appointed as an arbitrator in a matter concerning non-payment for work on a construction project in Kazakhstan.
  • Acted in an arbitration matter concerning an alleged breach of contract for provision of services on a project in the area of social sciences, governing law – Kazakhstani law.
  • An arbitration matter concerning healthcare service agency agreements and changes.
  • A matter involving loan and assignment agreements: Russian law governing the loan; Kazakhstani law governing assignments/underlying contract; parties registered as businesses in different countries (Hong Kong, Scotland, Kazakhstan).
  • Insolvency fraud matter across three jurisdictions: England and Wales, Sweden and Ukraine.
  • Shareholders’ and directors’ dispute re an English company, its IP assets and investments
  • A large fraud dispute between three parties, regarding shareholding and international business.
  • Debt recovery under English Law loan agreement, with serving out of jurisdiction – the US.
  • A banking matter involving Russian parties in English jurisdiction.
  • A case involving an English company being “hijacked”, application for an injunction, declarations, service out of jurisdiction, parties from different countries, including two Baltic states and Seychelles.
  • A claim by a Swedish broker from a bank on an indemnity agreement: English law and English jurisdiction clause.
  • Financial services against a financial management company, proceedings in England & Wales, Swiss law applicable.
  • Resisting a third-party debt order on the basis of jurisdiction/applicable law – Swiss jurisdiction involved.
  • Shareholders’ dispute: issues of appointment of directors, allotment of shares, breaches of directors’ duties.
  • A matter concerning a foreign bank being implicated in fraud and wrongdoing of account holders.
  • A number of matters related to provision of financial services, derivatives, online trading with companies based in Cyprus and the UK and their compliance with UK financial regulations.

Background, skills and approach

Natalia’s experience at the Bar in dealing with international cases and appearing in higher courts in her own right is complemented by her extensive academic experience. Having completed two PhDs in law, one in the UK and one in Russia, prior to joining the Bar, Natalia was a university lecturer teaching a range of subjects including contract law, evidence, international law, media law, EU law, training students in advocacy and other legal skills. She is the author of a number of academic articles and presentation papers. Her ability to extensively analyse and research issues enables Natalia to excel in dealing with legally or factually complex matters.

Natalia has excellent client care and communication skills and experience in dealing with foreign/overseas parties and clients. She understands the needs of foreign parties and foreign lawyers having diverse cultural and language backgrounds. Natalia also enjoys sitting on mixed civil/common law arbitral tribunals or with parties coming from different legal traditions. Natalia’s distinctive international background includes having worked as an intern in the United Nations, international courts and living in several countries. Natalia is able to use her language skills in her work on international or multi-jurisdictional matters. In addition to fluency in English and Russian, Natalia has various levels of proficiency and knowledge in the following languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German and Dutch.

Drawing on her previous academic, teaching, training and public speaking background, Natalia is always keen to give presentations, workshops and training sessions in English law or advocacy for both English lawyers and foreign lawyers and English and foreign businesses. Natalia has spoken at international conferences and other events and workshops on such topics as jurisdiction, choice of law, interpretation and incorporation of clauses; freezing injunctions; international enforcement of judgments and arbitral awards; court powers exercisable in support of arbitration proceedings; English law as a governing law of contract etc.

Natalia is particularly active in developing work and professional contacts through marketing initiatives in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. In addition, she is very interested in developing her practice and links with Southeast Asian, Latin American and European regions.

Natalia’s open approach is to deliver the best value to her clients and to find the most beneficial and cost-effective solution to their problem. Her innovative approach is most successful, when working closely with her clients, or their solicitors, on achieving the settlement of a dispute without necessarily embarking on protracted and costly litigation. She is happy to swiftly evaluate a case and provide pragmatic, client-oriented advice and a strategy covering options for settling a matter, using various out-of-court/ADR methods, and to contribute to or to lead any ADR process to achieve the best outcome. She is also keen to apply the same solution-oriented cost-effective approach, when she acts as a mediator.

Natalia adopts a flexible approach to her work and is happy to discuss the way and scope of her engagement in a particular matter with arbitral institutions, English solicitors, foreign/local law firms or parties.

Please contact her practice manager for further details and he will be happy to discuss options available. When contacting, please indicate whether you consider engaging her as an arbitrator, mediator or counsel in a potential matter. Please note, if she is to act as a mediator, a different procedure will apply (available here).


  • PhD in International Law, University of Birmingham
  • PhD in Constitutional Law, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)
  • LLM, International Commercial Practice, University of Law
  • LLM in International Law with International Relations, University of Kent at Brussels
  • BPTC, University of Law, Birmingham
  • PGCE in Public International Law, University of Kent at Brussels
  • LLB, University of London
  • Combined BA and MA in International Journalism, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)


Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb)
The Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR)
International Law Association (ILA)
London Common Law & Commercial Bar Association
Bar European Group
Young International Arbitration Group of LCIA
British-Russian Law Association
British-Kazakh Society (member of the Law Committee)
British-Kazakh Law Association
British-Spanish Law Association

Eurasian Legal Professional’s forum
International Dispute Resolution Network (IDRN)

To read the profile in Russian, please click here.

*This barrister is authorised to practice in England & Wales. Click here to search on the Bar Standards Board Barristers’ Register.

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*This barrister is authorised to practice in England & Wales. Click here to search on the Bar Standards Board Barristers’ Register.

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