Richard has advised for many years in relation to the law of costs, appearing in the Senior Courts Costs Office on many occasions.
Related cases include:
Langstone Leisure Ltd -v- Willers & Gubay, 2014, detailed assessment of a Bill of Costs of £3.4m, involving various preliminary issues
Chattin -v- Swaffield and others, 2013, an action to recover monies paid by way of interim payments to a solicitor who subsequently went bankrupt, involving a ‘successor practice’ dispute between insurers, and whether there were breaches of the Solicitors Accounts Rules. Confidential settlement with the solicitor’s insurers.
Gregson -v- Hussein [2010] EWCA Civ 165, a case concerning costs in exaggerated or fraudulent claims.
Findley v Barrington Jones & MIB (2009) EWHC 90130 (Costs), a case concerning the enforceability of a second CFA entered into because the first was thought to be defective, and because the original claimant was discovered to lack capacity and required a litigation friend.
Wood v West Midlands Police, 2005, a case in which approximately £1 million in legal costs was incurred to recover damages in a libel case of approximately £46,000, raising the question of CFAs in libel cases.
Lynch v Paul Davidson Taylor (a firm) [2004] 1 WLR 1753, the proper construction of section 74(3) of the Solicitors Act 1974, before Hughes J.
Alpacas Ltd v Sir John Wilsey LTL 8/9/2003, the meaning of ‘costs of the action’.