LAMB LIMELIGHT: Chelsea Sparks

This week's spotlighted barrister is Chelsea Sparks.

Chelsea Sparks Awarded Southeastern Circuit Scholarship

We are excited to announce that Chelsea Sparks was awarded one of four Southeastern Circuit scholarships to attend the 2024 Advanced Civil Trial Advocacy Course in Florida.

Success for Lamb Chambers in the Supreme Court Today in Lifestyle Equities CV and Another v Ahmed and Another [2024] UKSC 17

Dr Tim Sampson, of Lamb Chambers, was instructed by Ronald Fletcher Baker LLP on behalf of the Ahmeds, alongside Peter Knox KC and Adam Riley (3 Hare Court) and Laurent Sykes KC (Gray’s Inn Tax Chambers).

LAMB LIMELIGHT: Dominic Bright

Welcome to the next addition of Lamb Limelight.

Ghaoui v London Borough of Waltham Forest [2024] EWCA Civ 405

How do human rights factor into the assessment of suitability of accommodation?